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Rediscovering the Sacred Medicine

Welcome, everyone, and thank you for joining me on this exploration of a topic that has profoundly transformed my life: the understanding of tobacco as a master plant and sacred medicineIt's a subject wrapped in both controversy and profound wisdom, one that calls for a deeper exploration of our relationships with the plants that share this earth with us.


Embracing the Three P's: Prayer, Protection, and Purification

When approaching the use of tobacco, it is essential to consider what I call the "three P's": prayer, protection, and purification. These elements guide us in using tobacco with respect and in harmony with our body, mind, and soul. 

Prayer is something that has returned to my life in an organic and beautiful way through working with this plant. Tobacco is a powerful purifier, much like sage or palo santo, used to cleanse our energy and environment. I have found no greater purifying force than tobacco. Blowing smoke over our bodies or objects is a powerful way to clear energy, offering a profound sense of protection.

This layer of purification and protection allows us to express ourselves fully and authentically. I have witnessed time and time again how tobacco ceremonies create a safe space where people feel free to express themselves in ways they haven’t for years. The protective nature of tobacco enables us to be more authentic and honest, fostering deeper connections and self-expression.

Smoking Pipe With Flower And A Shredded Tobacco

Unveiling the Spirit of Tobacco

Tobacco is perhaps one of the most recognized plants worldwide, but it’s also one of the most misunderstood. It's easy to see why, given its association with addiction and health crises. However, there is another side to tobacco, one that has been revered and respected by indigenous peoples across the Americas for centuries.

To these native cultures, tobacco is not just a plant:

"It is a master plant, a spiritual guide that offers protection, grounding, and connection to the Earth"

For countless generations, indigenous communities have been the stewards of tobacco's sacred wisdom, using it for ceremonies, healing, and communication with the spirit world.

A Staggering Realization

Recently, I looked up some statistics on the CDC’s website and was shocked to learn that one in every five deaths in America is related to cigarette smoking. This is a mind-blowing statistic, underscoring the urgency of redefining our relationship with tobacco.

But how did we get here? How did a plant once revered as a sacred teacher become associated with such devastation? The answer lies in the relationship we have cultivated with tobacco, a relationship that, for many, has become toxic.

Parker Haleen Using Tobacco To Foster Deeper Connections And Self-Expression

A Journey of Transformation

Growing up in a non-smoking, upper-middle-class family, I was taught to see tobacco as nothing but poison. Programs like DARE drilled into us that smoking was dangerous and disgusting. I remember feeling revulsion and judgment towards smokers, to the point of confronting someone for littering a cigarette butt on a beach. I was filled with disdain and a sense of moral superiority.

My journey took a transformative turn when I traveled to Peru and met Don Enrique, a Shipibo maestro. Under his guidance, I was introduced to the sacred use of tobacco, and despite my initial resistance, Don Enrique asked me to engage with this plant through prayer and ceremony.

At first, the experience was overwhelming. The energy of tobacco was intense, and I struggled with nausea and discomfort. But as I persisted, something extraordinary happened. During a ceremony, the spirit of tobacco appeared to me. It was a beautiful, powerful presence that spoke of forgiveness and wisdom.

This encounter revealed a profound truth:

"It wasn’t tobacco that was toxic, but the relationship we, as humans, had developed with it"

The plant itself was not poison but a powerful ally and teacher

The Sacred Nature of Tobacco

To truly honor tobacco as a master plant, we must first distinguish between organic leaf tobacco and the chemically-laden commercial products that have tainted its reputation. Indigenous peoples have long known that organic tobacco, like Mapacho, carries the spirit of the plant in its purest form.

When used intentionally and ceremonially, tobacco becomes a conduit for our prayers and intentions, a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. The smoke is seen as a spirit, carrying our messages to the universe. However, a crucial aspect of this practice is not inhaling the smoke. Instead, we draw it into our mouth and release it, allowing the smoke to carry our prayers beyond.

This method, taught to me by Don Enrique, ensures that our prayers are heard and that the plant is respected and used as medicine. It is a reminder of the deep wisdom that tobacco holds, wisdom that has been safeguarded by indigenous cultures for generations.

Hands Of A Man Touching A Tobacco Leaf On A Tobacco Farm

Reclaiming Our Relationship with Tobacco

The journey to reclaiming tobacco as medicine is not just about changing our habits but about changing our perspective. It requires a shift in how we relate to the plant and a willingness to take radical responsibility for our actions and beliefs. This is not just about tobacco; it applies to other substances and habits we may have judged harshly, such as alcohol or sugar.

The Importance of a Teacher

Working with sacred plant medicine, such as tobacco, is a profound journey that requires guidance and support. It is crucial to find a teacher, mentor, or medicine person who has a strong connection to the plants we seek to work with. These wisdom keepers are the stewards of traditional knowledge, helping us cultivate a healthy and respectful relationship with these powerful allies.

In our modern world, it is easy to lose sight of the importance of these connections. We sometimes skip steps in our eagerness to experience the benefits of plant medicine, and I am guilty of this as well. But the call to these medicines is not just about having experiences; it is about cultivating a deep, healthy relationship that ultimately reflects our relationship with ourselves and the Earth.

The more we come into balance with these great teachers and traditions, the more harmony we will experience in our lives. This balance is reflected in our interactions with the world and in the peace and clarity we find within ourselves.

A Call for Awareness and Education

Transforming our relationship with tobacco begins with awareness and education. We must understand and respect the traditional uses of this plant and integrate this knowledge into our lives and communities. This shift can help save lives and restore balance.

Parker Haleen Blowing Tobacco Smoke


In closing, I encourage you to explore your relationship with tobacco and other substances in your life. Approach them with respect, intentionality, and a willingness to listen. By doing so, we can unlock the true medicinal potential of these plants and foster a healthier, more balanced world.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let’s continue to spread awareness and education, reclaiming the sacred relationship with tobacco and other plants. May we all find the wisdom and healing that these ancient traditions offer.
