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"An excellent space holder, leader, coach, and most importantly friend, Parker Haleen truly cares and wants everyone in his life - clients, friends, and family - to succeed. Parker has an incredibly safe and encouraging energy that helps you to grow and heal without putting too much pressure on yourself, while simultaneously providing and embodying the strength it takes to go through massive transformations. The container he creates is the perfect balance of masculine strength and structure with the feminine softness and love. If you are crossing paths with Parker for any sort of coaching, ceremonies, or space holding, you should consider yourself lucky :)"


"I’ve always been spiritual but never had the play book to navigate it truly.  So, when I saw Parker was working with people I jumped on it. The works been magical. I told him I feel like Peter Parker when he first found out he had powers haha. Every session we do deep work forcing myself to look within and grow. He’s given me tools to get through my busy days and knowledge I’ll use for the rest of my life. There’s true universal power within us, so to say the least it’s been transformative and it’s only been a few months doing this kind of work. I’m grateful, thanks brotha"


"My experience working with Parker has completely shifted my mindset on how to make my dream life a reality. Like many, I am someone who is juggling multiple projects and find myself feeling stuck with how to put things into motion. Parker utilizes engaging exercises to help visualize your aspirations and break down the internal barriers that may be holding you back. He also provides tactical approaches for the steps needed to achieving your goals, all while being in a professional, yet comforting environment. Parker is truly gifted at what he does and I look forward to our continued partnership!"


“Meeting Parker was a turning point in my life. It was at a ceremony that he hosted and from that ceremony, many things changed in all aspects of my life. His pleasant presence and how gently he holds space, allows your soul to feel free and safe to journey. He is a role model for me when I think about a gentle powerful masculine figure. When he locks eyes into your eyes, you feel a different pathway of connection establishes between your souls. He meets you wherever you are in your life/soul journey and helps you find your path to light. He is my brother and I’m grateful for the gift of his friendship.”


"Parker is that man.. The transformational impact of our work together surpasses my ability to describe it. The impact has manifested in my life in non-linear ways: our work on Love has helped open my heart not just to myself and to people with whom I had challenging relationships, but to all people, and to animals, and to all living beings. Our work on relationships has opened my mind to go beyond patterns and attitudes to see how the way I show up in every moment magnetizes the relationships that are in my life. But these are just words. They are just representations of the lived experience in your body and soul. The real experience comes through the work, and Parker is who I trust to support me in it. 

I am a man transformed."



Ultimately, finding the right coach is a two-way process, and it's important that both of us feel comfortable and confident in our ability to work together towards your goals. Before we talk about the length, frequency, and topics of our coaching sessions, I believe it's important to first have a coaching call. This allows both of us to ensure that coaching is the right fit for your needs and goals, and for us to establish a good working relationship.





I am committed to developing leaders in industries, communities, and families who are heart-centered, courageous, and willing to learn from their mistakes.

If you're ready to work with a coach who believes in forgiveness, commitment, vision, and grounding, I would be honored to support you on your journey. 

Schedule a free coaching session and let's begin transforming your life!